NEWS (A Selection of activities)


-Translation: “
Le balayeur” short story translated from French into thaï by Piriyadit Manit as "คนกวาดขยะ" (read Khon-Kwad-Ka-Ya). In anthology entitled Duj Amphan, Bangkok, Thailand: Ann 101, 2024: 159-166. With French & Francophone authors such as Maupassant, Daudet, and Jean Marcel.

-Article. « Une expérience de l’ordinaire : le texte haptiste » ELFe XX-XXI. Études de la littérature française des XXe et XXIe siècles, Paris, 13, 2024. WEB. Dir. Alexandre Gefen.
Table of contentsLink to full article

-Elected "Cultural Embassador"
of Quebec-France Association, June 2024.

by Raphaël de Charette "Comment dire l’amour selon Barthes", in Le Figaro, Paris, May 16 2024. Click here to read it or listen to it in French.

-Presentation. "L'Univers du peintre québécois Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited Featured lecture for Quebec-France Association, section of Québec City, at the elegant private club Le Cercle de la Garnison, Quebec City,  Can, May 17, 2024. In cooperation witrh the French Consulate in Quebec City. Audience of 94.
-Short story. "Présomption d'inhumanté." In Anthology of short stories. Trois-Rivières, QC, Can., Ed. Wampum, 2024: 371-376.

-Poetry. Au midi de la Terre, poem submitted to « Sauver l’amour » project in Paris, organized by assoc. La Balustrade, Read on Valentine’s day Feb 14 2024 at Hotel Louisiane in Paris

-Presentation. "Les grandes histoires d’amour en France." Invited Featured lecture at Réseau Québec-France Association. Via Zoom. 100 participants from over 3 continents. Feb 10, 2024.

-Short story. "Trop robot pour être inhumain." In spec. issue Mon Chat, GPT of Marginales: La fiction pour dire monde 310, Brussels, Belg., Dec. 2023. Web. Pour lire cliquez sur ce lien.

-Teaching: Spring 2024: Great French Love Stories in Translation; Fall 2023 : Introduction to Quevec literature. University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA.


-Review of Gérald Gaudet. Parlons de nuit, de fureur et de poésie. Entretiens sur la lecture et la création littéraire (Montreal, Nota Bene, 2021, 311p.). The University of Toronto Quarterly 92.3 Published in 08-2023 : 576-582. Web & print.

-Review of Mélanie Beauchemin L’envers du monde. Anne Hébert, Georges Bataille (Montreal, Nota bene, 2021, 281p.) The University of Toronto Quarterly, 92.3. Published in 08-2023: 574-576. Web & print..

-Invited reading of “Cage ouverte” (from Le Surveillant) at poetry event “Errances Nord/Sud,” Roy House,  Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, Sept. 29, 2023.

-Short story selected for anthology in Belgium: “Le Promeneur canin,” short story selected in the annual anthology of Belgian journal Marginales 2023, Brussels: 30-34. PDF & Print.
-Short story."Uberland." In Spec. issue GPS, in XYZ 154 (Montreal, Summer 2023): 12-23. Eds Claude Lacharité & Jean-Paul Beaumier. Print. Acceptance rate: 5-10%. ISSN 0828-5608

“Side By Side Emptiness.” English Translation from the French by Steven Urquhart of “Vide contre vide.” Selected for global anthology Madness: An Anthology of World Poetry. Ed. Keshab Sigdel. Kathmandu, Nepal:  Redpanda Books, 2023: 78. Print. A selection of 197 texts from over 400 submissions from 105 countries.

-Short story. "Le massage olympien." Spec. issue Qatarsis et qatarstrophe, in Marginales. La fiction pour dire le monde #309 (Bruxelles, Belg.), June 2023. Web.

-Short story. "Le problème et la solution." Invited short story in Marginales 308 (Belgium, Winter 2023). Ed. Vincent Engel. Web.

-Invited book chapter: "Homo amans ou homo eroticus? Désir et amour d’après Roland Barthes" Ed. Neli Ileana Eiben. Une Roumaine au pays de la francophonie. Mélanges en l’honneur de la professeure Margareta Gyurcsik. Timisoara, Romania. Editura Unversităţii de Vest din Timişoara, 2022: 103-131.

International bilingual conference (French/English) on "Les représentations du corps/Representations of the Body". Dates  : March 17-18, 2023. Deadline for proposals: 24 novembre 2022. See link for more details:

-Invited talk. "Considérations sur la pratique artistique de l'écriture." Beausoleil Bookstore, Lafayette, LA (USA), Nov. 8, 2022.

-Review of my book
La contagion du réel. Guénette, Daniel. "Gaëtan Brulotte : La contagion du réel." Propos sur la littérature. Blog. Nov. 5, 2022. Click here to read this review in French.

by Boris Noah. "Gaëtan Brulotte : Voler près du soleil comme Icare sans se brûler les ailes!" In Ou'Tam'Si Mag. Quebec, Oct. 2022. Click here to read in French.

-Article: "Le corps chez l'écrivain états-unien Paul Auster." Dans University of Toronto Quarterly 91.4 (Nov. 2022): 52-73.

-Short story: "Le Promeneur canin" in Marginales 307 (Fall 2022) & Le Soir, Brussels, Belgium. Web & Print.

"Homo amans ou homo eroticus? Désir et amour d’après Roland Barthes." Invited chapter for a collective book by Ed. Ileana Eiben. Hommage à Margareta Gyurcsik, Bucharest, Romania. Completed and accepted, fall 2021. Forthcoming.

-Review of Gérald Gaudet. Écrire, aimer, penser. Entretiens sur l’essai et la création littéraire. Montréal, Nota Bene, 2019. In The University of Toronto Quarterly 91.3 (Aug. 2022): 116-119.

-Article: "La perception du corps à travers l’histoire. Prolégomènes." Lead article in Eds Iona Marcu & Magdalena Malinowska. Poétique.s du corps dans les littératures francophones contemporaines.  Spec. Issue of Dialogues francophones 25 ( U. of Timisoara, Romania 2021). Published in June 2022: 15-46. Delayed due to COVID.

Excerpt on beauty from my book Nulle part qu’en haut désir (essay) translated into Romanian by Andreea Georghiu. Dialogues francophones 25 (U. of Timisoara, Romania, 2021). Published in june 2022: 362-363.

-Presentation: "La liberté de création face à des limitations accrues." Conseil international d’Études francophones, Trento, Italy, June 23, 2022.

-Presentation: "Une expérience de l'ordinaire: le texte ‘haptiste’."  The 2022 conference of SELF XX-XXI (Société d’étude de la littérature de langue française du XXe et du XXIe siècles). Paris, Sorbonne U. June 18, 2022.

-Featured presentation: "Le monde selon le peintre Jean Paul Lemieux."  Public Library Jean-Gosselin of Levis, Quebec, May 18, 2022. To know more about this activity, click here.

-Guest editor & Intro (with Sylvie Massicotte). Feux d’artifice. Spec. issue of XYZ 150 (Montreal). Presentation at launching ceremony, Montreal (Can.), May 24, 2022, and at Librairie du Québec in Paris, June 9, 2022.  

-Review: Roger-Michel Allemand “Eros est grand.” Paris, Quinzaines (aka La Nouvelle Quinzaine littéraire  and Quinzaine littéraire), 1244 (May 5, 2022). Paper & online. Click here for the text in French Review of my book Oeuvres de chair.

-Review: Cescosse, Jean-Pierre. "Gaëtan Brulotte : Vive le Québécois libre." Paris, Diacritik, Feb. 11, 2022. Review of my book Nulle part qu’en haut désir. Online access here. Or copy this URL:

-Critical Study:
Lord, Michel, “Gaëtan Brulotte." Book chapter devoted to my short story collections in 25 ans de Nouvelles québécoises par ses meilleurs nouvelliers et nouvellières (1996-2020). Bromont, QC, Les Éditions de la Grenouillère, 2022 : 91-97.

-Reviewer: Invited review of 3 Distinguished Senior Scholar applications for the selective US Core Fulbright Award to Israel, fall 2021-spring 2022.

-Reviewer: Invited Review of 4 articles for the book project Voyage et scandale. Ed. Patrick Mathieu, U. of Mayotte & Aix-Marseille. Spring 2021. Published in Paris by Garnier Classiques. 2022.

-Teaching: Spring: Great French Love Stories in Translation; Fall: Introduction to Literary Theories and Criticism. University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA.


-Featured article : "Dépaysements et expatriation du désir." in French online journal, le 30 oct. 2021. Illustr.

-Short story. "Château Plaisance." Spec. Issue B&B. XYZ (Montreal, Can) 146 (Été 2021) : 7-17. Acceptance rate: 5-10%. ISSN 0828-5608. Print

-Interview. "L’éloge de la lecture et la puissance de l'écriture". Interview by Nouredine Mhakkak for newspaper Al Bayane (No 14123), Nov. 4, 2021, Casablanca, Morroco : 1,12-13. To read it in French:  cliquez ici.

Invited Review by Peter Lang-Oxford of book manuscript of The Enchanted Figtree on migration studies by Marco Micone, a critical edition in translation from the French. Fall 2021.

"La liberté de création littéraire devant de nouvelles censures." Book chapter in  Carlo Lavoie, Ed. Liberté,
imaginaire et espace de contrainte. Questions de contexte en littérature.
Paris : Ed. du Cygne, 2021 : 35-55.

-Article: "Le Monde arabe dans l’œuvre de Le Clézio."  Book chapter in Eds. Salles, Marina, Isabelle Constant et Nicolas Pien. J.M.G. Le Clézio. Faire de l’ici, du présent, du déployé, notre vraie demeure. Caen, Fr.: Passage(s), Series “Regards croisés,” 2021: 177-193. [979-10-94898-81-9].

Judge. Invited external Examiner of Ph.D. Dissertation by Nicolas Fargues : J’écris donc je fuis. Petite métaphysique de l’évolution du style littéraire en France, de Stendhal à Emmanuel Carrère. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Fall 2020/spring 2021.

Interview: "Gaëtan Brulotte: écrire pour respirer."by Léa Harvey, Quebec, Le Soleil, 22 mai 2021 In French

Book: Nulle part qu'en haut désir. Montreal, Lévesque éditeur, Series "Carnets d'écrivains", 2021.200p. ISBN 9782897631208 (Print) | ISBN 9782897631215 (PDF) | ISBN 9782897631239 (EPUB). May 2021.

Distinction: Prix Grand Diplômé de l’Université Laval, série Les Remarquables 2021, Quebec, Canada.
Adv. Le Soleil, May 8, 2021

Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Quebec, Presses de l'Université Laval, revised edition in masspaperback, Series  "A propos", 2021. 890p. ISBN: 978-2-7637-5412-3 (Print) & 9782763754130 (PDF).

Article & special issue: "Soif de styles : pour un accroissement d’existence." In spec. issue devoted to my works in Ed. Steven Urquhart. American Review of Canadian Studies 50.4 (Dec 2020): 566-581. Print and web. Onine access


-"Introduction. Gaëtan Brulotte : nouvelliste, romancier, dramaturge, critique littéraire et universitaire"

By Steven Urquhart

Read it online }}

-"La condition humaine au 21e siècle selon Gaëtan Brulotte"

By Margareta Gyurcsik

Read it online }}

-"La contagion du réel (2014) de Gaëtan Brulotte ou la valorisation de la réalité corporelle"

By Steven Urquhart

Read it online }}

-"Le Client dans l’œuvre de Gaëtan Brulotte : vers une théâtralité du récit et du regard"

By Marie Bernanoce

Read it online }}

-"Soif de Styles : pour un accroissement d’existence"

By Gaëtan Brulotte

Read it online }}

Book review: Editor Solicited review of Dion, Robert. Des fictions sans fiction ou le partage du réel. Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2018. For The University of Toronto Quarterly 89.3 (summer 2020) 353-357. Pub. March 2021. Print and web.

Book review: Lord, Michel. The University of Toronto Quarterly 89.3 (summer 2020): 389-391. Rev. of Margareta Gyurcsik. Gaëtan Brulotte ou la lucidité en partage (Montreal, Nota Bene, 2018, 316p.). Pub. March 2021. Print and web.

Literature Support: Sponsored the creative writing journal of Louisiana Feux Follets: "Le cirque" 2021, June 18, 2021. Launching at Beausoleil Bookstore, Lafayette, LA. Link on youtube: click here. Or copy/paste: (1h33).

Celebrating Kirby Jambon and his mandate as the poet laureate of Francophone Louisiana. Featuring poetry readings by Chase Cormier, Evelyne Bornier, Jonathan Mayers, Sarah Djos-Raph, Jonathan Olivier, David Cheramie, Melissa Bonin, Rachel Doherty, Zachary Richard, Barry Jean Arceneaux, Kirby Jambon. Hosted by: Chase Cormier & Rachel Doherty Beausoleil Bookstore & Whisper Room. This program was created by an AOC community producer. AOC Community Media is Lafayette, Louisiana's premier nonprofit community media center with television channels on Cox Communications 15 and 16 (AOC 1) or LUS Fiber 3 and 4 (AOC 2).

at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA: Great French Love Stories in Translation, a Humanities Course, Distance Learning, Spring. Erotic Literature, A Graduate Seminar, Fall.


-Guest Editor, with Roger Celestin and Eliane Dalmolin. Traditions et beauté. Spec. issue of Sites. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. 24.1 132 (2020). Print & web. Published in June. Link.

-"Une mythocritique africaine." Invited Preface to Amadou Ouédraogo. Visages du féminin et esthétique du mythe chez Jean-Marie Adiaffi. University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press. 2020 : vii-x. Print.

-Scientific committee for book project Voyage et scandale. Eds. Patrick Mathieu & Sylvie Requemora-Gros. Centre de Recherche de Littérature de Voyage (CRLV) & Centre Interdisciplinaires Études Littéraires Aix-Marseille (CIELAM). Paris, Éditions Classiques Garnier. 2020. Work-in-progress since spring.

-Interview/book chapter. “Nouvelle métaphysique de la beauté. Entretien avec Betty Rojtman.” Sites. Contemporary French and Francophones Studies. 24.1 132 (2020) : 104-117.

-"Ma chambre de dévotion." Short story. Spec. issue Fleurs bleues. Eds. Rioux, Hélène & Jean-Paul Beaumier. XYZ (Montreal, Can) 142 (summer 2020): 7-16. Accepted Oct. 2019. Acceptance rate: 5-10%. ISSN 0828-5608. Pub in May 2020. Print

-"Cent jours avec Caroline. Centenier." Short story with Romanian translation by Margareta Gyurcsik, untitled  “O suter de zile cu Caroline. Centeniar.” in Spec. Issue “Generations” of Dialogues francophones 22-23 (2019), pub. in April 2020. Timisoara, Ro.: 128-143.  Print and PDF.

-Featured interview posted in New York City by the online literary magazine Big Other, Feb 17, 2020.

-Book Review of 9 books of series "Carnets d’écrivains", Montreal, Lévesque Éditeur. The University of Toronto Quarterly 88.3 (2019): 424-432. Print & web (Can.). Rev. of Jean-Paul Beaumier, L’esprit tout en arrière, 2018, 124 p. Monique Brillon, Carnet d’une méduse, 2016, 127 p.  Monique Brillon et alii, Comme une seule voix, 2014, 122p. Marie Clark, Petites leçons d’orientation apprises dans le désordre, 2015, 119 p.  Reine-Aimée Côté, Eux, ces instants d’arrière-cour, 2016, 127 p. Marc-Antoine Cyr, Malgré les exils multipliés, 2015, 124 p. Danielle Dubé, Ciel de Kyōto, 2017, 192 p. Yvon Paré, L’enfant qui ne voulait plus dormir, 2014, 123 p. Gisèle Villeneuve, nue et crue lettre au poète disparu, 2016, 224 p.

-"Le monde arabe dans l'oeuvre de LeClézio." Book chapter in a collective tribute volume. Ed. Passage(s), Paris. Forthcoming.

-Recipient of the College Research Excellence Award, provided by the U. of Louisiana Office of Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Development. "This award recognizes those who have demonstrated exceptional scholarship in their respective academic colleges."

-Special issue of French journal Onuphrius 40 (Dec. 2019) entirely devoted to my short story writing.
This issue consists of a selection of 2 stories, a presentation of the author by Michel Lord, followed by a conversation with the author. The Editor-in-Chief introduced it in these terms: "For this issue 40, our correspondent and guest editor, Michel Lord, has chosen to present the short story writer Gaëtan Brulotte. This is not one, but two short stories that we offer this time: Cendrine, a modern version of Cinderella, and Tirage sepia, a furious meditation of a novelist (a fictive one, of course) against the kind of idiotic uncritical “youthism” (the systematic worshiping of very young authors used to discriminate against experienced ones) sometimes encountered today in literary journalism. In a word like a hundred, read these short stories, admire the illustration of Sivan Buntova and discover the interview, rather powerful, granted by the author to our kind review." ET 

-“La dimension pédagogique de la littérature érotique : perspectives historiques et contemporaines. " Book chapter in  Érotisme et frontières dans la littérature française du XXe s. Eds. Amélie Auzoux & Camille Koskas. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2019. 347-368. Published in Nov 2019.

-"Bière à vendre." Short story in XYZ 138 (Summer 2019): 74-76. ISSN 0828-5608. Acceptance rate: 5-10%.

-"La liberté d’écrire mise à l’épreuve de la bien-pensance." Presentation at international conference  Liberté : textes et contextes des deux côtés de l’Atlantique. Prince-Edward Island University, Charlottetown, Canada, Aug 2, 2019.

-Invited Round table, « Création et (auto)censure au XXIe  s, questions posées aux artistes et aux enseignants », at  « Les rencontres de l’ANRAT – Acte IV in coop with Festival d’Avignon IN and ISTS (Institut Supérieur des Techniques du Spectacle), Cloître Saint-Louis, Avignon, FR, July 14, 2019. With Olivier Letellier, Hédi Tillette de Clermont Tonnerre and Virginie de Crozé. Vidéo.

-An award-winning book was published in Montreal (Canada) on my writings as subject author by a seasoned Romanian scholar. Margareta Gyurcsik. Gaëtan Brulotte ou la lucidité en partage. Montreal, Nota Bene, 2018, 316p.  
Award received: "Mention d’honneur du Prix des Écrivains francophones d’Amérique 2018" (Montreal International Book Fair, Nov. 16, 2018).
      Review o this study in 2019
by C. Fisher in French Studies journal (Oxford University Press, Nov 2018) 73.1 (Jan. 2019:157.

          Excerpt: "Gyurcsik illustrates Brulotte's writing innovations and places them in a line from La Bruyère to Molière, from Sartre to Beckett, from Barthes to Mallarmé, from Rousseau to Pirandello. So far, this is the definitive study on Brulotte. Excellent and refined critical work by Gyurcsik."
     Review of this study in 2019 by Elena GHITA in Quaestiones Romanicae VII. Calatorii si calatorl. lncursiuni culturale si lingvistice. 2(2019), U. of Timisoara & Szeged, Romania: Jate Press. 589-90. Print.

          Excerpt: "This study shows an intellectual affinity between the Romanian critic and the Quebec writer who is concerned with the relationship between living and writing in the contemporary world. The conviction that through literature man can "thwart his precariousness", the ironic distance, the sense of humor, the spirit of openness to renewal animate both of them. This affinity facilitates access to the intention of the writer (…) Faithful to herself and the work that she comments upon, Margareta Gyurcsik also invites us to share what Brulotte calls 'the refinements of language and spirit'. “
    Review of this study in 2019 (pub in 2020) by Ileana Neli EIBEN, in Dialogues francophones 22-23 (2019) : 150-152.
         Excerpt: “Underlines the originality of the Brulottian creations (...) These are semi-traditional and semi-innovative writings whose originality" consists, among other things, in that the author poses "the question of being" and reflects on the human condition in the contemporary world, using narrative forms that he invents for the most part. (…) Gaëtan Brulotte wonders about the definition and the challenges of literature today. It is from this reflection and the humanism that emerges from it that Margareta Gyurcsik speaks in the chapter "Being, writing, reflecting". This series of verbs expresses, in a very suggestive way, the fundamentals of Brulottian thought which is built around key concepts such as responsibility, action, existence / life and the relation to the other. (...) To conclude, we can paraphrase Margareta Gyurcsik and say that following the reading and analysis of Brulottian texts, she offers, like the writer studied, a book open to the world and to dialogue. "
    Review of this study in 2020 by Steven Urquhart in Quebec Studies 68 (fall/winter 2019) : 174-177.

        Excerpt: «“Having foregrounded the author’s humanism throughout her study, Gyurcsik emphasizes her conclusion that reading Brulotte’s works ultimately teaches us about alterity, According to her analysis, Brulotte invites the reader to step back and not only look, but also laugh at life’s many quirks. (…) Ambitious in scope, Gyurcsik ‘study is thorough, well-researched, original, and decidedly insightful. While obviously aking into account previous criticism on Brulotte, Gyurcsik provides new perspectives on his fiction and critical work ina way that is highly accessible and a pleasure to read. (…) In short, Gyurcsik’s enterprise is formidable and one that other critics of Brulotte’s works will have difficulty surpassing.” Steven Urquhart in Quebec Studies 68 (fall/winter 2019) : 176-177.

As Bourdieu said: "The farther away the legitimization is coming from, the more reliable it is" (Interview). Publisher's Site :

-Organization of lecture series by Pierre Serna, Professor of History from the U. of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. On the overlooked role of animals dring the 18th c and on the French Revolution.  University of Louisiana, Lafayette (Louisiana), April 22-28, 2019.

-"Le Maître d’écriture brève." Solicited Short story. XYZ 137 (Spring 2019): 18.

-"Le langage du corps dans Ici et Ouvrez de Nathalie Sarraute." Article. Nouvelles Francographies. 6.1 (USA, 2017): 77-91. Published, spring 2019. Print.

-Conference "Icônes/Idoles." March 22-24, 2019,  Lafayette (Louisiana) with keynote speaker: Gilles Dupuis, U. de Montréal, on Robert Lepage & Leonard Cohen.

-"Le guide." Short story in XYZ 136 (Winter 2018-19): 64-65.

-Lecture/Animation of Kyhos Book Club on Voltaire's Candid, Lafayette (Louisiana), Feb 20, 2019. Host: Danna Halpin.

-Teaching: Invitation by Friends of the Humanities in Lafayette (Louisiana) to lead their class on Books and Films, with Great French Love Stories en English Translation.

-Teaching: Erotic Literature (Aug-Dec.); Great French Love Stories in Translation (Jan-May), U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA.


-An award-winning book was published in Montreal (Canada) on my writings as subject author by a seasoned Romanian scholar. Margareta Gyurcsik. Gaëtan Brulotte ou la lucidité en partage. Montreal, Nota Bene, 2018, 316p.  

Award winning of "Mention d’honneur du Prix des Écrivains francophones d’Amérique 2018" (Montreal International Book Fair, Nov. 16, 2018).  

-"De la langue publicitaire aux inventions jubilatoires du français québécois." Invited Presentation, Jeudis de Mundolingua, Museum of Languages, Paris, Dec. 20, 2018.

-A full session was devoted to my writings at conference of the ACQS (American Council for Quebec Studies), on Nov 2, 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was organized by Steven Urquhart, from the University of Lethbridge.

-“Faire rayonner la culture québécoise”. Interview by Catherine Gagné, Magazine Contact (33.1) QC, Can. Fall. 2018. Featured profile. Picture. Web. Click on this link to read it (in French)

–"Le Maître d’écriture brève." Short story. XYZ 137, completed summer 2018, due spring 2019.

-Invited Preface to Flora Amabiamina & Bernard Bienvenu Nankeu, Dirs. Discours et sexe dans les littératures  francophones d’Afrique. Vers un changement des mentalités? Completed Sept 2018.

of 9 books of the series "Carnet d'écrivains" for The University of Toronto Quarterly. Completed summer 2018, due.

-"De la souffrance. Quelques notes." Article published. Atelier du roman 94, Paris, Fr, 2018 : 152-157.

 -“Une mythocritique africaine.”  Invited Preface to Amadou Ouedraogo, Visages du féminin et esthétique du mythe chez Jean-Marie Adiaffi. Lafayette, UL Press. Completed, Jan 2018. Forthcoming.

-"Le guide." Short story. XYZ 136, Completed summer 2018, due Fall.

-The translation in Thai by Apirujee  of my short story Le balayeur (The Sweeper) won the first prize at a national inter-university competition in Thailand. June.

-Review de Rachel Nadon, La résistance en héritage. Le discours culturel des essayistes de Liberté (2006-2011),  in The University of Toronto Quarterly  87.3 (2016).Pub. Sept. 2018.

-Invited Foreword. Wedsly Guerrier. Réhabilitation d’un poète haïtien: Etzer Vilaire. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018:

-Guest co-editor with Helene Rioux of special issue Armes, XYZ La Revue de la nouvelle (Montréal) 135 (2018), completed in May-June. Pub. in August. To read a review click here (in French).

-Claude-Emmanuelle Yance, Alchimie de la douleur. Article in Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec T  IX. Montreal: Fides, 2018: 18-19.

-Francine D’Amour, Écrire comme un chat. Article in Dictionnaire des Œuvres littéraires du Québec T. IX. Montreal : Fides. 2018: 278-279.

-Massicotte, Sylvie, L’oeil de verre. Article in Dictionnaire des Œuvres littéraires du Québec T. IX, Montreal : Fides. 2018: 602-603.

-Massicotte, Sylvie, Voyages et autres déplacements. Article in Dictionnaire des Œuvres littéraires du Québec T. IX, Montreal : Fides, 2018: 870-871.

-"Passages du discours amoureux chez Roland Barthes : du séminaire au livre." Invited paper at Conseil international d’Études fancophones,  La Rochelle, France, June 4-10, 2018.

-Guest Writer-in-Residence and lecturer, "Écrire en pays Beaume-Drobie. Rencontres d'auteurs, lectures et ateliers", Théâtre d'aujourd'hui, Laurac-en-Vivarais, Ardèche, France. May 22-29.  Sponsored by French government (Artistic and Cultural Education convention for Pays de Beaume-Drobie), the Ardèche Department and the community of Pays Beaume-Drobie. Within that residence:

         -Presentation as featured writer-in-residence, and reading of works-in-progress, Théâtre d’aujourd’hui, Laurac-en-Vivarais, France, May 28, 2018.

        -Public Discussion on creative writing with Frédérique Deghelt, Saint-Mélany (Bistrot de Pays), May 27, 2018.

        -Entretien à une voix and Mode d'emploi staged works at Joyeuse, France, May 24, 2018. Casting: Marie Bernanoce as the Journalist and myself as the unamed interviewed and silenced Writer.

-"La crise du rail." Short story in tribute to the memory of French writer Annie Saumont, XYZ, 134(May 2018).


-Editor of special issue on Israeli short story writer Etgar Keret, XYZ 134(May). Presentation of, and interview with, Keret.

-Article: "Le langage du corps dans Ici et Ouvrez de Nathalie Sarraute." Francographies. Accepted Dec. 2016, due spring 2018.

-Featured speaker, "Le discours amoureux selon Barthes", Cercle de Philosophie Est-Ouest, Trois-Rivières, QC, Can. May 15, 2018. Available on Youtube in French at this link.

-Organizer of a Study Day on Tradition and Its Consequences/Les Traditions et leurs enjeux. University of Louisiana at Lafayette, April 13, 2018. With Barry Ancelet as keynote speaker from Louisiana and 3 guest speakers from France (Paris V-Sorbonne, U de Bourgogne and Paris XIII).


-Guest writer and speaker at conference "Théorie et Pratique de la nouvelle" & "Écrire la Nouvelle", U. of Grenoble-Alpes, France, with U. of Rouen & U. Cergy-Pontoise, in cooperation with Maison des Écrivains et de la Littérature (Paris). Jan 31 2018. Video broadcast & recorded. An edited cut of one hour is available at this link.-As Editor Publication of YOLO (You Only Live Once), XYZ (Montreal) 131. Sept 2017.

-Interview by Elena-Brandusa Steiciuc, in her book Francophonie et diversité. Suceava, Romania: Editura Universitatii  Stefan cel Mare. 2017: 165-198.

-Publication of Article: Review of Chroniques de rien by Jean Pierre Girard for University of Toronto Quarterly. 86.3 (2017): 429-433


-"Crise du rail: un couple témoigne." Invited short story in homage to French author Annie Saumont (1927-2017), XYZ 134. Completed Sept 2017.

-“Pour un anticonformisme littéraire.” Presentation at international conference “Extension du domaine de la littérature” organized by the Société d’Étude de la littérature de langue française du XXe et XXIe siècle (SELF) in cooperation with the University of Aix-Marseille (Centre interdisciplinaire d’étude des littératures), France, Sept 14-17 2017. To view on Youtube clik here (in French).

-A full series of critical essays on my works by Ljiljiana Matic were published in the Turkish journal Frankofoni, from 2014 to 2016. This was recently brought to our attention.

1.    Matic, Ljiljiana. “La manière de penser l’autre de Gaëtan Brulotte dans son roman L’Emprise." Frankofoni, Revue d’études et recherches francophones (Ankara 2014) 26: 355-365. ISSN 1016-4537.

2.  Matić, Ljiljana.  "Gaëtan Brulotte, maître des mots ou le pouvoir des mots dans Épreuves." Frankofoni, Revue d’études et recherches francophones (Ankara 2015) 27: 235-248. ISSN 1016-4537.

3.    Matić, Ljiljana. "Gaëtan Brulotte, nouvellier de la ‘psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne’." Frankofoni, Revue d’études et recherches francophones (Ankara 2016) 28: 225-228. ISSN 1016-4537.

4.    Matić, Ljiljana. "Gaëtan Brulotte, nouvellier de la ‘psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne’(II)", Frankofoni, Revue d’études et recherches francophones (Ankara 2016) 29: 191-196. ISSN 1016-4537.

-Teaching: Erotic Literature, Graduate seminar, Fall semester, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA.


-Invited Panelist by Outreach Fulbright Scholars  for the webinar: Fulbright Opportunities in Israel . Washington and Tel Aviv, May 18, 2017.

my texts "Le balayeur" (in Le Surveillant) & " Légendes pour album photos" (in Epreuves) are being translated into Thai via a national translation contest within the university system of Thailand. March-August.

-"Fierté de famille." Short story. Spec. issue Album de famille. Ed. J.P. Beaumier & Al. XYZ 130 (2017): 5-10.

-Article/Book chapter: “La dimension pédagogique de la littérature érotique : perspectives historiques et contemporaines"  in Érotisme et frontières dans la littérature française du XXe s. Eds. Camille Koskas & Amélie Auzoux. Paris : Garnier, in progress.

-Award. Avis de liquidation. A play script. Preselection at Première Approche Event, Théâtre Paris-Villette (Fr.) : Apr. 24, 2017. 

-"Visions de la francophonie québécoise à travers la peinture." Closing keynote address at conference Visions, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette & Lafayette Science Museum. March 25, 2017.

-"Problématique de la nouvelle littéraire québécoise." Invited featured presentation at the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok (Thailand), this country's oldest and most highly ranked university in every field of study. Event filmed and followed by a reading of "Le poete des rues." March 3, 2017. 

-"Histoire de la francophonie canadienne à travers la peinture."Invited featured presentation at Thammasat University, Thailand's second oldest institute of higher education and the most selective one in Social Science and Humanities fields. March 1st, 2017.

-Written Interview with Elena-Brandusa Steiciuc for her book Francophonie et diversité, Compldted, Feb. 2017.

-Guest Editor, special issue of XYZ (Montreal) on YOLO (You Only Live Once). 

-Article: "Women’s Contribution to the Construction of the Western Ars Erotica." Ursache, Oana, Ed. Dublin: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Submission, Nov. 2016.

-"Et si la littérature érotique était plus intéressante qu’on ne le croit généralement?” Invited presentation at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, Jan 3, 2017.

-“Cendrine”. Short story. Spec. issue Contes de fée. XYZ 2016. Accepted. Revised, Oct. 2016, in print 

-Teaching: Great French Love Stories in Translation. Spring semester. U. of Louisiana at Lafayette.


-TV-Radio-web interview by Ami Bouganim (from Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Dialog Between Civilizations), for series Reshimo, Tel Aviv, Israel. Dec 26, 2016. 30 min. On my writing profile and Fulbright experience in Israel.

-"Histoire de la francophonie canadienne à travers la peinture." Invited presentation, Institut français de Jérusalem Romain-Gary, Dec. 12, 2016. Followed by book-signing session

-Interview on camera of 18 Israeli writers for a book project as well as for a radio & TV series. Co-production: New Vision Production (Israel), CKUC-Literary News Carleton U (Canada), The U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, and the USA-Israel Educational Foundation. Part of a Fulbright Grant from the US Governnent.

-Visiting scholar & writer at Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, Israel. Oct.-Jan. Under a Core Fulbright US Scholar Award (State Department). Series of 3 invited lectures on Literature and Culture: “The Development of Short Story in France.” Dec 21, 2016; “The Francophone Minority Culture of Canada.” Nov. 30, 2016;  “The Constitution of Erotic Literature in France from 17th & 18th Century on.” Nov 28, 2016.

-"The Poetics of the Short Story As Revealed In Its Literary Evolution In French Canada." Invited presentation at U. of Haïfa, Israel, Nov. 6, 2016.

-Review of Revenir du silence by Michèle Sarde. Service littéraire. Paris. Completed, Oct. 2016. Published in December.

-Gyurcsik, Margareta. Gaëtan Brulotte ou la lucidité en partage. A 200-page book on my writings, due in Montreal.

-Review of Chroniques de riens by Jean-Pierre Girard. Forthcoming in University of Toronto Quarterly. Completed, Aug. 2016.

Teaching: fall semester, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, Literary Theory. 

f L’Âme littéraire by Étienne Beaulieu. Published in University of Toronto Quarterly. 85.3, fall 2016.

-External reviewer, defence jury
Ph. D. dissertation by Tassadit Acharchour on the literary theme of identity , U. de Bourgogne, Dijon (France), June 27, 2016.


-Gyurcsik, Margareta. Review of my book La Contagion du réel in Dialogues francophones (Timisoara, Romania) 20-21 (2015) : 241-245. Print. Excellent article.

-Keynote address at international conference "Journées de la Francophonie: Francophionie et curiosités." Iasi, Romania, March 25, 2016. Guest speaker, U. of Suceava, Romania, March 28, 2016.

-Article: "Les nouvelles intranquilles de Normand de Bellefeuille."  XYZ 125 [Montreal], March 2016: 61-75. 

-Review of L’Âme littéraire by Étienne Beaulieu. Forthcoming in University of Toronto Quarterly. Completed, spring 2016.

-"Le corps féminin dans la littérature  érotique française contemporaine." Opening chapter in Corps de femmes. Regards et reflets. Eds Ursache, Oana & Paul Nanu. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2015.

-Distinction: awarded a Core Fulbright US Scholar Award for AY 2016-17, to teach in Israel for one semester specialized courses in French Canadian literature on the invitation of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (the top one in that country with its 8 Nobel laureates).

-New position. After being selected by a search committee of 10 persons (chairs of different departments, Research Centers' directors,Vice-President of the University and Dean of Liberal Arts), I was offered an Endowed Chair at the U. of Louisiana at Lafayette in the senior position of "Board of Regents Humanities Eminent Scholar Chair." I have started in this new position on January 2016. This institution has an interesting journal Études francophones and a Ph.D program in Francophone Studies: all potential candidates are encouraged to apply.


-Guest editor of spec. issue Séductions, XYZ 124. Nov. 2015.

-Honor: Elected Distingusihed University Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida at Tampa, Nov.

-“The World of Celebrated French Canadian Painter Jean Paul Lemieux.” Invited presentation, USF, Nov. 18, 2015. On the occasion of my new book on this painter (PUL, 2015). A Research-One event, co-sponsored by Phi Sigma Iota, The Florida-France Linkage Institute, the Department of World Languages and the students from the class on Quebec Literature and Culture. Link with the community: Honorary French Consul and President of local business association, J-C Faust has accepted to introduce the speaker. See flyer. Photo of event.

-Book published: L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. A critical essay. Foreword by Anne Hébert. Presses de l’Université Laval, 2015, 208p. + XIVp. + Ill. ISBN 978-2-7637-2607-6; ISBN PDF 9782763726083; ISBN e-PUB 9782763726090

-Book published: Life Sideways. English translation by Steven Urquhart of my collection of short stories La vie de biais. Victoria, BC: Ekstasis, 2015, 172p.

 -Rev. of Anthologie Liberté 1959-2009. L'écrivain dans la cité. 50 ans d'essais. Eds. Olivier Kemeid & al. University of Toronto Quarterly. 84.3 (2015): 508-511.

Rev. of Entre plaisir et pouvoir. Lectures contemporaines de l'érotisme. Eds. Lori Saint-Martin & al. University of Toronto Quarterly. 84.3 (2015): 448-451.

-"Abécédaire de Philippe Bilger." Book review of Ordre et désordres in Service Littéraire 87 Paris, Sept. 2015. 2  With this book review I am joining the select reviewing team of this original Parisian journal.

-"Le séminaire." Opening address at international conference w. Michel Maffessoli & alt. "Autour des Fragments d'un discours amoureux de Roland Barthes". Centre National du Livre, Paris, June 30, 2015.

"Ma pratique de la nouvelle dans La contagion du réel." Invited public discussion with writer France Boisvert, Midi littéraire, Maison de la Culture de Trois-Rivières (Can.), June 1, 2015. One hour.

scheduled for the fall semester at the U. of South Florida: Advanced French Conversation in Cultural Context; Quebec Literature and Culture (in French)


-La contagion du réel. Collection of stories. Winner of the Gerald-Godin Prize for Literature 2015, Trois-Rivieres (QC), Canada. May 27 2015. Click here for more details (in French). Interview by Anne-Marie Lemay, for "Chez nous, le matin,", Ici Radio-Canada. May 27, 2015. On Prix de Littérature Gérald-Godin 2015 for La contagion du réel.

-"Tirage sépia". Short story publisjed in issue Le Tarot, XYZ 122, May 2015.

-"The World of French Canadian Painter Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited presentation, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, Apr. 27, 2015.

-"Compagnons de manège." Editor sollicited Short Story inspired by Cervantes and Shakespeare 400th anniversary of their death. Cadavres exquis: Cervantes & Shakespeare 23 avril 1616. Ed. J.-C. Grosse. Le Revest, Fr : Les Cahiers de l’égaré, 2015.

 -Invited article on the Nobel Laureate in literature from Canada, Alice Munroe and her short stories, for the Montreal based journal XYZ.

-Courses scheduled for the spring semester at the U. of South Florida: Great French Love Stories in English Translation; Literary Theory & Criticism


-Book signing sessions, International Book Fair of Montreal, Place Bonaventure. Nov. 22: 19h-21h; Nov. 23: 13h-15h.

-Guest speaker at SUNY-Buffalo. "Naissance du poème en prose in 18th C.-19th C. France" and "The Poetics of the Short Story in Quebec : the first 150 years".  Series of two lectures, Department of Romances Languages and Literatures & Poetics Plus Program, Sept 30-Oct. 1st , 2014 and

-Featured Interview by Michèle Prince for October issue of journal Les Cahiers de l'AQPF (Assoc. québécoise des Professeurs de français). Vol. 5 No 2: 18-20. Web and Print.

-Prof. Sylvie Gendron has created an original pedagogical document for journal Les Cahiers de l'AQPF (Assoc. québécoise des Professeurs de français) on her teaching experience at a Quebec college of my essay on creative writing La Chambre des lucidités. This dossier includes a reflexion on her experience, excerpts of students' letters to the author and my response to these letters. Published in October, Les Cahiers de l'AQPF Vol. 5 No 2: 7-17. See above.

-Featured TV Interview by Jean Barbe at Tout le monde tout lu. MATV, Montreal, Sept. 23, 2014. On the short story genre and my latest collection of stories La contagion du réel. One hour.

-Featured Radio interview by France Boisvert. « Le pays des livres »  On short story and my scholarly book La nouvelle québécoise (HMH). Radio VM. Online, Friday Sept. 19, 2014. 30 minutes. Multiple broadcasts afterwards.
Or: Radio Ville-Marie 91,3 FM Montréal;100,3 FM Sherbrooke; 89,3 FM Victo;89,9 FM Trois-Rivières 104,1 FM Rimouski-Bas du Fleuve; 1350 AM Ottawa-Gatineau

-Featured Radio interview by France Boisvert.
« Le pays des livres »  On new collection of short stories La contagion du réel (Lévesque éditeur, 2014). Radio VM. Online, Friday Sept. 12, 2014. 30 minutes. Multiple broadcasts afterwards.
Or: Radio Ville-Marie 91,3 FM Montréal;100,3 FM Sherbrooke; 89,3 FM Victo;89,9 FM Trois-Rivières 104,1 FM Rimouski-Bas du Fleuve; 1350 AM Ottawa-Gatineau

-Featured Video Interview in French on my latest book, La contagion du réel, by Laurence Grenier. Director: Guy Beaubien. Production: The Paris Television Center (France), July 29, 2014. 8 min. Can be viewed via Youtube and Vimeo.

-My last book continues to receive very favorable reviews, including 2 in the same newspaper Le Devoir [Montreal] on June 21 (by C. Desmeules) and June 28 (by D. Laurin). See La contagion du réel

-"Le corps féminin dans la littérature érotique française contemporaine." Keynote speaker and guest of honor, International Congress "Women Bodies, Image and Time, An Interdisciplinary History of Looking," Granada, Spain, June 26-28 2014.

-"Profil sur la route : le parcours impressionnant de Gaëtan Brulotte : Sur la route de Gaëtan Brulotte à Tampa, en Floride." Featured interview by Jean-Sébastien Sirois. CyberContact [U. Laval. Quebec]. Completed May 2014. Posted June 6, 2014. Pictures. Web. Web (100,000 subscribers) Link to condensed Interview.

-"Gaëtan Brulotte: L’esprit d’examen contre l’esprit de système." Interview by Italian scholar Antonio Rinaldis. Dialogues francophones [U. of Vest Timisoara, Romania] 19(2013): 109-124. ISSN 1224-7073 Print. Link to read it (in French)

-Featured interview by Yvon Lebras followed by invited text "Considérations sur l’art de la nouvelle" published in Lingua Romana [Brigham Young University, USA] 11.2 (Fall 2013): 124-144. ISSN 1551-4730.Web.

-Review of Olivier Kermeid & al., éds. Anthologie Liberté 1959-2009. L'écrivain dans la cité. 50 ans d'essais. For The University of Toronto Quarterly. In progress.

-Review of Saint-Martin, Lori et al., dirs. Entre plaisir et pouvoir. Lectures contemporaines de l’érotisme, Montréal, Nota bene, « Séminaires », 2012, 277p. Completed summer 2014, due in The Universioty of Toronto Quarterly.

-Reading Committee, Ph.D. dissertation, Université de Dschang, Cameroun. Bernard Bienvenu Nankeu, L'érographie dans la weltliteratur romanesque contemporaine. In cooperation with the University of Bourgiogne, Dijon.

-Courses scheduled in the fall at the U.of South Florida: -Francophone African and Caribbean Literature; Advanced Conversation in French


-La contagion du réel. A new book, a collection of short stories published in Montreal by Lévesque Editeur, 2014, 156p. In book stores and via Internet by March 18, 2014. Click kere to know more in French;
In English, click here.  Book Signing sessions took place at Salon international du Livre de Québec, April 12-13.

-Acceptance speech at Award ceremony. March 26, 2014. Awarded by French Government the honor of Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques (Knight of the Order of Academic Palms). Originally founded by Napoléon Bonaparte to honor educators this is the oldest and one of the highest France's civilian distinctions. It recognizes the significant contributions of individual to the promotion of French language and culture. The Palmes académiques is awarded by the Prime Minister of France, upon the recommendation of the Minister of Education. The investiture ceremony took place at the University of South Florida in Tampa and was presided over by the Consul General of France in Miami, Mr. Philippe Létrilliart. Review in USF News:

-Main organizer of international conference The State of Beauty Today/La Beauté aujourd'hui, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, Feb 28-1st March, 2014. For program clik here. For a videogram, click here.

-"Ne sous-estimons pas le rire." Article published in Atelier du Roman, 77 [Paris] March 2014: 139-149.

-Urquhart, Steven. "La théâtralité dans La vie de biais (2002) de Gaëtan Brulotte." Eds. René Audet and Philippe Mottet. Portrait d’une pratique vive. La nouvelle au Québec (1995-2010). Montréal : Éditions Nota bene, Series "Contemporanéités", 2013. 169-192.

-René Godenne. Review of my book La nouvelle québécoise, in Lettres romanes (Belgium) 67.3-4: 573-576.

of issue 117 of journal XYZ (Montreal) published in Feb.2014.

-"L’obsession dans les nouvelles de l’écrivain québécois Normand de Bellefeuille." Paper read at SCFLLF, USF, Tampa, FL. Feb. 21, 2014.

-Courses taught at the University of South Florida:
     -Great French Love Stories in Translation (taught in English); 20th & 21st Century French Drama and Poetry (taught in French).


-Le surveillant. 4th edition, Collection of short stories published in October in Montreal: mass paperback series BQ (Bibliothèque québécoise).

-"Leçon de mots." Short story, published in XYZ 116 (Canada), Nov 2013.

-"Le haptisme en atelier d’écriture." Book chapter in Ateliers d’écriture littéraire. Claudette Oriol-Boyer & Daniel Bilous, eds. Paris, Fr.: Hermann, "Colloque de Cerisy", Nov. 2013.

-"La crise de l'éternel féminin: La littérature  érotique féminine dans la Francophonie contemporaine." Lead chapter in Mythes et érotismes dans la littérature francophone contemporaine. Oktapoda, Efstratia, ed. Amsterdam & NY: Rodopi, Series "Faux Titre," 2013. 47-76.

-“Le bus bogué.” Short story selected for anthology Contes, Légendes et récits de l’Île de Montréal, Tome 1 : Montréal, une ville à inventer. Ed. Aurélien Boivin. Trois-Pistoles, QC : Editions Trois-Pistoles, 2013. 424-434.
-Antonio Rinaldis, an Italian Scholar from Milan, published an Heideggerian study of my work: "La Cage invisible" in Philosopher 27 (2013): 63-76.

-"Le balayeur." Short story selected in anthology Forum, iPad version. Montreal : Editions de la Chenelière Education, 2013. 5000 copies.

"Le Déchet." Book chapter selected and reprint in Le Colloque de Tanger. Ed. G.-G. Lemaire. Marseille, Fr. : CIP (Centre international de poésie), April 2013 : 15-28. First pub. in Le Colloque de Tanger. Eds. G.-G. Lemaire & al. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1976. 29-44. On William Burroughs. Contr. incl. Philippe Sollers, Jean-Joseph Goux, Françoise Collin, Ariel Denis, Brion Gysin.

-“Femmes de poussière.” Book chapter published in Andrée Chedid, je t’aime. Hommages, mémoires et lettres. Eds. Evelyne Accad, Anne Craver & Christiane Makward.  Paris : AlfAbarre, 2013. 151-158.

-"Cortazar, source infinie d'inventions." Article published in XYZ 114 [Montreal] (Summer 2013): 59-75.

-Invited book review of Elise Salaün, Oser Eros. Published in University of Toronto Quarterly 82.3 (summer 2013): 18-22.

-“Directions for Use.” English translation by Jeremy Townley (US) of “Mode d’emploi” from my collection of .stories Epreuves, in The Threepenny Review [Berkeley, CA] 135 (Fall 2013): 8 In good company with Javier Marias, Wendell Berry, Philip Levine, Darryl Pinckney, Louis Glück, and Robert Pinsky, among others. Translator has published in US periodicals such as Collier’s and Harvard Review.

-Invited public reading at Writers panel, and chair of a session at ACSUS (Assoc. for Canadian Studies in the US), Tampa, FL, Nov 19-23 2013. Served as local organizing liaison between USF and national ACSUS organization.

-"The Secret Voice." Public reading of excerpts from short story "Open Cage" at  event Around the World in 60 Minutes, USF-Tampa, Sept 25, 2013. Great event organized by Pablo Brescia and Rita Ciresi. Success, full room.

-Guest editor of a special issue of XYZ 117 on "Autorités". Editorial work completed, Aug.

Critical works on my writing (as reported to me):

-Urquhart, Steve. Paper read on "La vie de biais (2002) de Gaétan Brulotte ou la québécité d'un recueil de nouvelles à portée universelle." ACSUS (Association for Canadian Studies in the US), Tampa, Nov. 21, 2013.

-Matic, Ljiljana. Paper read at conference in Serbia. “Gaëtan Brulotte and His Skill to Treat Decently Taboo Topics.” The Seventh International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounter of Cultures. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. Nov. 30, 2013. A selection of peer-reviewed papers will be published after the Symposium.


-Invited external evaluator and reading committee, Ph. D. dissertation, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France), March-June. L'implicite dans "A la recherche du temps perdu". Etude sur un aspect du discours proustien, by Lubna Hussein Salman. Defense: June 17 2013.

-Guest editor of a special issue of XYZ 117. 

-Posthumous tribute to poet and short story writer Clément Marchand (1912-2013),  St-Joseph Seminaire's Chapel, Trois-Rivieres (QC). May 18, 2013. Video recorded by SEM & Ordi-Video.

-My collection of short stories Le Surveillant (The Secret Voice) inspired the formation of a mucical band in Manitoba, Can.: Les Surveillantes. See their site: See also their interview in French on Longueur d'ondes (on their site), where they reveal their inspiration source.

-Guest author & speaker at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, March 13-15, 2013."Considérations sur l’art de la nouvelle." and "Le structuralisme", series of two lectures as part of the French and Italian Department Symposia Series. Discussion with public, public reading of creative works, book signing. 

-Margareta Gyurcsik (Romania) has finished a 200p scholarly book in French about my work. This book is entitled: Gaëtan Brulotte ou la lucidité en partage.

-Angelo Rinaldis (Italy) has finished a philosophical essay on my writings "La cage invisible" (both in French and in Italian) to be submitted for double publication.

-Anna Ayoub (Morocco), MA thesis on a stylistic study of  my collection of short stories Le Surveillant. Université Chouaïb Doukkali, Faculté des Lettres, El Jadida.

-Ljiljana Matic (Serbia). Paper read "Gaëtan Brulotte, maître des mots et le pouvoir des mots dans L’Emprise, Péces, March 21 2013. This scholar has also translated my novel L'Emprise into Serbian: Belgrad, Clio, 2002.

-English translation of my collection of short stories, La vie de biais, by Steven Urquhart, in progress.

FALL 2012

-Featured speaker on Quebec short story at the American Council for Quebec Studies, Sarasota (FL), Nov. 10, Hyatt Regency. A public reading and a book-signing session followed

-Judge (Part of 3) for the most prestigious literary award in Canada, the General Governor of Canada Literary Award-Category Essays. Representative of the jury to the Medias.

-Ljiljana Matic (Serbia). Paper read "La manière de penser l'autre de Gaëtan Brulotte dans son roman L’Emprise," Novi Sad, November 2012.

-Invited review of André Lamontagne. Le roman québécois contemporain. Les voix sous les mots, published in University of Toronto Quarterly 81.3 (Summer 2012): 433-436.

-3 articles on Quebec short story writers completed for Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec, Tome IX.

-Article completed on a contemporary Quebecois short story writer, for a project in progress.

-Invited review of Oser Eros by Elisa Salaün, for U. of Toronto Quarterly. Completed.


-"Rire et pouvoir." Invited paper read at world congress of International Council on Francophone Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 11. On the relationships between literature, satire and political power.

-“Le Lit des autres." Featured short story in University Affairs/Affaires universitaires (Ottawa), June 2012: 26-29. Illustrated by Sophie Robert.

-"Cortazar, source infinie d'inventions." Article in XYZ 113 (Montreal): accepted June, due.

-Guest editor of a special issue of XYZ 117.

FALL 2011

"Soudain, la conscience, et les questions commencent", a text around the Chauvet Cave paintings, in prestigious Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris. Illustrated. To order click here 

"Exil, langue, literature." Lead article in « Écritures francophones contemporaines », Dialogues francophones n°17/2011 (U of Timisoara, Romania): 11-19.

 "Le haptisme en atelier d'écriture littéraire." Article followed by excerpts of discussion and wrap-up of a creative writing worskop, in a volume co-ed. by Daniel Bilous & C.Oriol-Boyer. Completed and submitted.

Featured lecture, La Nouvelle québécoise, Institut d'Arts, Lettres et Histoire, Université Catholique de l'Ouest, Angers, France, Dec, 14, 2011.

Featured lecture and Guest author, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Nov. 24-28 2011, including a book-signing session at Médiathèque, Ecole Francophone La Vérendrye, Lethbridge. Link to event.

Guest writer at Foyers d'écriture publique, Joliette (Québec, Canada), Nov. 4-5, 2011. Reading of Kawabata Sleeping Beauties in French, writing for and with the public, Interview by Anne-Marie Duquette for L'Action, Nov. 5.

Featured lecture on Quebec Short Story , at "Book Event Series" & "Research One Event", Humanities Institute, USF, Tampa, Florida, October 14, 2011. Click here for details.


-"Le haptisme en atelier d'écriture littéraire." Invited plenary presentation and workshop on haptist writing techniques at colloquium  "Ateliers d'écriture littéraire", 17th century castle of Cerisy-la-Salle, France, July 15-19, 2011. Click here to access the entire recording of this address. And click here for the Q&A that followed.
-Publication of an article: "Le super-bio." Invited article for Médium (Regis Debray, dir), Paris, 28 (2011): 66-77. Issue co-edited by M. Melot & M. Erman.
-Interview with Paola Grimaldi, Focus Magazine, Italy. Published in Focus Extra (Focus monographic, dedicated to Eros) n° 50 (June 2011):  98. Illustrated. On erotic literature.
-Book signing in Paris June 27, 2011 of my book La Nouvelle québécoise, Café-Librairie La Belle Hortense, 31 Rue Vieille du Temple 75004 Paris, France.
-Public Reading in hommage of French writer Andrée Chedid, Paris, June 15, 2011, Salle IREMMO de l'Espace l'Harmattan, Paris 5e.
-President, Defense jury, Ph.D. dissertation, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, June 7, 2011.
-"Un écrivain en exil dans sa langue", invited paper at session "L’écrivain et l’exil", Conseil International d'Etudes francophones, Aix-en-Provence, France, May 31 2011.
-Publication of a short story, "L’Auberge Désirable”, XYZ (Montreal) 106: 53-64,
-"La riche histoire de la nouvelle littéraire au Québec." Featured speaker, Association des Diplômés universitaires aînés, Trois-Rivières (Quebec, Can.), May 25 2011. Book signing session. For pictures click here.
-Short listed (3 finalists), Prix de littérature Gérald-Godin 2011, for La Nouvelle québécoise, participation in ceremony at Trois-Rivieres (Quebec), May17 2011.


Publication of article "Une lecture de la nouvelle québécoise: un parcours temporel", in Québec français 160 (hiver 2011): 19-24. To access the presentation, click here.

Guest editor, Les Fenêtres, XYZ 105 (Spring 2011), Montreal. Published.

A critical study published in Serbia as a book chapter on 3 of my works: Matìc, Ljiljana. "Gaetan Brulotte, l'un des auteurs favoris des médias." In Le Lys dans la neige. Essais de littérature québécoise. Novi Sad, Serbia: Filozofski facultet, 2010. 96-109. ISBN 978-86-6065-055-1

FALL 2010

Book signing at Montreal Book Fair, Nov 21, 2010.

Publication online of my article "Cent ans de révolte dans la nouvelle québécoise", XYZ. La revue de la nouvelle (Montréal), No 99, 2009, p. 63-83. Direct access to article:

Interview with Gilles Archambault, at Joël Le Bigot popular national program “Pourquoi pas dimanche?”, Radio-Canada, Montréal, Nov 21, 2010. To listen to the interview: (click on 4th part).

Interview with Sarrah Osama, “Rencontre du 3e titre”, CIBL-FM, Montreal, Sept 28, 2010, 15 min. On La Nouvelle québécoise. To listen to the interview :  (click on Sept. 28, 2010)

A new scholarly book published : La Nouvelle québécoise.  Montreal, HMH, "Les Cahiers du Québec", 340p.. ISBN : 978-2-89647-322-9. The very first survey of 150 years of short stories production in Francophone Quebec.

Guest editor of issue 105 of journal XYZ La Revue de la nouvelle on the theme of "Fenêtres". Issue completed with selection of texts and presentation, due.

Invited article completed: "Le super-bio, entre nostalgie et modernité" for Médium, Paris, Oct. 2010.

“Borges.” Invited short essay published in “Enquête sur Borges, les 21 témoignent”, Nuit Blanche 120, Oct-Dec. 2010, 51.

“La Barbarie moderne”, short story published in XYZ 103 (Montreal, Fall 2010), 32-37.

“L’Auberge Désirable”, short story completed for XYZ, Sept 1st.

Featured TV interview with Louise Lacourcière, “Par-delà l’image”, Vox TV (Videotron), 30 minutes. Recorded June 11, 2010. First broadcast, June 21, 2010, 9:00pm. Community TV, Trois-Rivières, Quebec (Canada).

Article published: "Le monde arabe dans l'oeuvre de Le Clézio" in Heyndels, Ralph ed. Les Écrivains français devant le monde arabe.  « Travaux de littérature ». Genève, Droz. & ADIREL (Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche littéraire).

Article published: "Pour une étude de la représentation corporelle chez Marguerite Duras. Notes exploratoires." A book chapter in Constantin Grigorut, & Steiciuc, Elena-Brandusa, eds. Mythes et symboles dans les littératures francophones. Dunedin, New Zealand, Otago French Notes, Nov.

"En quelques raisons, pourquoi encore écrire?" Invited book chapter in L’Auteur en première ligne. Histoire et paroles des EAT. Ed. Gilles Costaz. Paris: L’Avant-Scène Théâtre, series "Quatre-Vents," 2010. 129-131


Article completed: "Le monde arabe dans l'oeuvre de Le Clézio" for Heyndels, Ralph ed. Les Écrivains français devant le monde arabe.  « Travaux de littérature ». Genève, Droz. & ADIREL (Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche littéraire), due.

"History of Quebec culture via Painting." Keynote speaker, Southern Conference on Foreign Languages, Literatures and Film, USF, Tampa (USA), Feb. 26, 2010.

FALL 2009

"Mes bibliothèques." Invited essay for Le Billet des Auteurs de Théâtre, Internet, December 1st , 2009.

“La Barbarie moderne”, short story in XYZ, completed December 1st 2009.

-"Propos de chambres", La Prose du monde, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France), completed Dec. 2009.

-Gyurcsik, Margareta, "Les jeux/enjeux  interculturels  de  Gaëtan  Brulotte," in « (En) Jeux identitaires », Dialogues francophones 15, U. of Timisoara, Romania, 2009, 73-86. A critical study of my short story "Le Complexe de Putiphar" in La Vie de biais.

"Soudain, la conscience, et les questions commencent." Invited text around Chauvet cave paintings,  completed Dec. 2009. 

Invited participation in a round-table on the genre of short story with Gilles Archambault, Louis-Philippe Hébert & Monique Proulx, at Olivieri bookstore in Montreal (Canada), Nov. 12, 2009. Recorded for Radio Spirale.

"Cent jours avec Caroline. Centenier,” short story in XYZ (100), 2009, 13-23.

Interview with Steven Urquhart, "Gaëtan devant son oeuvre", Quebec Studies 47 (Summer 2009), pp. 57-72. Link to the journal site.

Invited participation in the international event "Territoire et imaginaire", which involved 33 playwrights and took place in Laurac (Ardèche, France) on October 15-18 2009, around the 33,000 years old cave paintings of Chauvet.

Interview with Laurent Gauriat, Radio France Bleu, Aubenas (France), Oct. 15, 2009. On my participation in the event “Territoire et imaginaire” at Laurac. 10 minutes.

"Cent ans de révolte dans la nouvelle québécoise," an article in XYZ. La revue de la nouvelle (Montreal), for its 99th issue, 2009, 63-83.


 La Liquidation, a play. Selection 2008-2009 in France by Influenscènes' Comité de lecture de Fontenay-sous-Bois, among 44 submitted scripts. This is a jury of 15 specialists in contemporary drama, which selects new plays for yearly public stage reading. May 22, 2009.

Interview by US celebrity Montel Williams, on his popular national progressive radio talk show "Montel Accross  America", April 24, 2009. Live, 10 minutes, on romance.

Interview with Steven Urquhart, “Gaëtan Brulotte devant son oeuvre” in Quebec Studies (spring/summer 2009), Vol. 47 pp. 57-72. Link to the journal.Nominated for a Carnegie "Professor of the Year" national award.

Article published: "Désirs de femmes: l’expression érotique féminine dans la littérature française contemporaine." Dans Erman, Michel, ed. Autofiction(s). Toulouse, Fr.: Éditions Universitaires du Sud, "Champs du Signe", 73-95.

Book chapter published: "Pour un imaginaire du goût" in M. Erman (ed.), Le Goût dans tous ses états, Peter Lang (Bern, Switzerland), "Littératures de langue française", 21-32. ISBN: 9783039117536

"Le Monde du peintre Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited featured address (with 100 slides), Musée des Beaux-Arts du Mont Saint-Hilaire (Quebec, Canada), March 17, 2009.

One Shop Stopping. A new English translation by Richard Lebeau (Canada) of my play Le Client is now available and is being presented on the CEAD website.

A critical study of my collection of short stories Le Surveillant was published by Romanian scholar Margareta Gyurcsik,   "Kafka de Montréal." XYZ (Montreal) 96 (Winter 2008-09): 65-79.
Excerpts: "C'est pourquoi on pourrait conclure que l'absurde «tranquille» de Gaëtan Brulotte n'est tranquille qu'en apparence. Il exprime au fond les inquiétudes de l'écrivain postmoderne et relance sous une forme nouvelle et dans un langage «minimaliste et dépouillé» (J.-P. Boucher), teinté d'ironie et d'humour, l'interrogation sur le sens dans sa double hypostase : sens de l'existence, sens de l'écriture. Il est d'ailleurs intéressant de remarquer que Brulotte a publié en 2003 un essai sur l'écriture intitulé La Chambre des lucidités.  Comme si, à l'instar de Kafka, il avait voulu suggérer qu'écrire signifie, avant toute chose, "dégager la clarté cachée"."

Keynote address at conference "Sexuality, Eroticism, and Gender": "La littérature érotique et la question du genre : la place des femmes dans l'érographie française."  Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Jan 30 2009.

Honorary board member, Otago French Notes, Dunnedin, New Zealand.  


-Participation in a public poetry reading, Port of Trois-Rivières (Quebec, Canada), August 24 2008.

-June 8: "Les mots de la censure". An invited presentation at the Festival du Mot, La Charité-sur-Loire (France), round-table on "La police des paroles". Avec Michel Erman (linguist), François-Bernard Huyghes (sociologist) & Jacqueline Rousseau-Dujardin (psycho-analyst). Program of Festival du Mot, p.22.

-Featured interview with Chip Rowe, Senior Editor, Playboy Magazine online, July 10. New York, 30 minutes. On Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature, co-ed w. J. Phillips. Link to spotlight :; Link to edited interview:

Publication of "La voix secrète" in an anthology by Mottet, Philippe. Nouvelles à chutes. Montréal, Editions du Renouveau pédagogique, 2008: 56-61. ISBN:978-2-7613-2743-5.

July 2nd: « La tradition et le genre de la nouvelle au Québec : 150 ans de révolte des écrivains », an invited presentation at the world conference of CIEF, Limoges (France). Program in French.

-June 23rd : participation in "Les Intellectuels et artistes pour le plurilinguisme et la diversité culturelle", organised by the Observatoire européen du Plurilinguisme, under the UNESCO, Paris.

Invited reading of: "De Babel à Jingle" (on the mercantile appropriation of language by international companies). Click here to read the text in French with some English expressions.
Click here to listen to my reading of the text at the UNESCO in Paris.
Signature of Livre d'Or de l'Observatoire européen du Plurilinguisme.

June 13: The Encyclopedia Of Erotic Literature: A short presentation of this reference book, from women's view point, followed by a survey of women's erotic literature throughout history in France up to the contemporary explosion of sexual confessions.  Université Populaire de Caen (within the seminar of Alexandra Destais). Link to the full text in French of this lecture: click here

June 4: Publication of the Italian translation of my novel L'Emprise (Double Exposure ) in Rome (Editrice Il Sirente): Doppia exposizionne. ISBN 978-88-87847-13-0. Launching at the Roman cultural association Il Baffo d'oro, with the translator, Rahel Francesca Genre, who read excerpts, which were commented upon by the author. The event was caught on video for archives. Italian Presentation of the book:The publisher's series "Fuori" Announcement of the translation on Sirente Wordpress 

June 3rd : Interview with le Petit Journal de Rome Announcement of visit to Rome on the Internet site of Canadian Embassy in Rome


Publication of new paperback revised edition of my collection of short stories La Vie de biais, Montreal, "BQ" series, 201p. ISBN 978-2-89406-290-6

Guest editor of issue 94 of the short story journal XYZ La Revue de la nouvelle on the theme of "SORTIES". This issue was published in May.

 Interview for Playboy (Radio Sirius Satellite Channel, Los Angeles ), with John Phillips and Tiffany Granath, "Afternoon Advice", March 20, 2008. Live, 20 minutes. (5 millions listeners daily).

Main organizer of International Conference on The State of Taste, USF, Tampa, FL , 28-29. Click on link for program.

Invited lecture
on Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature "A Main Event Lecture Series", USF Humanities Institute, Tampa, FL , Feb 14, 2008. To view entire lecture (one hour) click here

 Interview with Keith Morelli "Birds, Bees Do It; Love Doctor Explains It". The Tampa Tribune, Feb 14, 2008, Metro, p. 2. To read interview, click here 

The Times Literary Supplement
( London ) published a review by R. Irwin of Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature (Feb 8, 2008). To read the response by G. Brulotte and J. Phillips, TLS Feb 22, 2008, click here:

Interview by Thomas King. "Celebrated Author Reflects on Writing." The Oracle, ( Tampa ) 45.91 (Feb 4, 2008): 3. To read interview, click here.

 Dimitriu-Panaitescu, Corina, ed. "Gaetan Brulotte." (by Steiciuc, Elena B.). Canada francofona. Dictionar de autori A-B. Iasi, Romania: Casa Editoriala Demiurg, 2007: 152-156. ISBN 978-973-152-013-1.


of my novel L'Emprise is now available in its 4th paperback revised edition in the series BQ (Bibliothèque québécoise) in Montreal.
This novel is available in English translation as Double exposure

On this novel a critical study in French can be read online at this link. The critic shares some interesting and pertinent reflexions on this novel. Here is an excerpt in French: "L'auteur est maintenant solidement entré dans le répertoire des nouveaux écrivains de la littérature postmoderne. Dans L'Emprise, Brulotte couvre la gamme des philosophies littéraires modernes, du réalisme au déconstructionisme, qu'il synthétise dans une nouvelle philosophie personnelle, le haptisme. (…) On s'aperçoit peu à peu que L'emprise de Brulotte est un roman à plusieurs niveaux qui implique tout le monde dans une mise en abîme vertigineuse : l'écrivain lui-même, son personnage principal, le personnage sur lequel Block écrit, mais aussi le lecteur qui finalement subit lui aussi l'emprise du système linguistique. (…) L'Emprise introduit subtilement un élément paranoïaque qui fait s'interroger le lecteur sur sa propre condition humaine et sur les rapports de force qu'il entretient avec autrui, avec la Nature et avec lui-même." (King, Kathryn G. W. Block et débloque : l'écrivain dans la toile du texte. Une étude littéraire de L'Emprise par Gaëtan Brulotte. U du Manitoba, 1999. )

Excerpts of my play in French La Liquidation were staged by students from the Drama Department at the University Stendhal Grenoble III, in France , on April 27, 2007. Stage director: Marie Bernanoce.

Reading committee
. PhD diss. of Mike Shuman, A Woman's Face or Worse: Otto Rank and the Modernist Identity. English Department, USF ( Tampa, USA ), April 23 2007.

Literary jury (pre-sélection), France-Québec Award, Paris.

Paper read
on my work by Margareta Gyurcsik, "Kafka de Montréal", Journées de la Francophonie, U. de Timisoara (Roumanie) March 20 2007.

by P. Grimaldi in Gentleman Quarterly - Italie. On Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature p. 267.

FALL 2006

La littérature québécoise contemporaine." Featured lecture, Université de Caen (France), Dec. 15.

Qu'est-ce que l'érographie?" Feature lecture, Café Mancel, Caen (France), Dec. 15.

"Pré-rapporteur", reading committee, Ph.D diss. by Alexandra Destais: "L'émergence de la littérature érographique féminine en France: 1954-1975." Université de Caen, France, Dec. 14.

Gyurcsik, Margareta. Review of my book La Chambre des lucidités in Dialogues francophones 10-11 (2005). Timisoara , Roumanie: Editura Universitatii de Vest: 163-165.

"Les différences culturelles entre la France, le Québec et les Etats-Unis". Featured speaker, Emory & Henry College, Emory, Virginie (USA), Nov. 13 nov.

"French Beckett." Invited talk, Beckett Centenary, University of South Florida (Tampa), Nov 16.

Launching of project "De la coupe au livre", Librairie/Bar à vin Clément Morin (Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada). Invited sentence in French about books and wine which was engraved on cristal glasses for a bokkstore/café in Canada. "Profond balsamaire le Livre rend le vin plus clair". Balsamaire: Fiole apode à panse renflée à la base et col évasé.

Jury, France-Québec Award, Paris.

Matic, Ljiljana: Gaëtan Brulotte, un des auteurs favoris des médias, Actes du Colloque "Littérature et Médias," (Pavle Sekerus éd.), Novi Sad. Sept. 25-27 septembre 2003, Novi Sad, 2006, 119-133. ISBN 86-7542-037-4.

New book: Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Co-ed. with John Phillips. New York & Oxford: Routledge, 2006, 2 vols., 1758 pages.

"La fin de l'éducation aux États-Unis", article in Médiane 1.1 (2006): 17-23. Excerpts read and commented upon by Canadian radio celebrity Jacques Languirand in his popular show "Par Quatre Chemins", Radio-Canada, Oct. 15, 2006.

"L'apport de Jacques Ferron à l'art de la nouvelle." Article in L'Atelier du roman (Paris) 47(2006): p. 51-62.

"La Nouvelle Québécoise: Son Histoire particulière et ses spécificités contemporaines." Book chapter in Douzou, Catherine & Gauvin, Lise, eds. Frontières de la Nouvelle de langue française : Europe et Amérique du Nord (1945-2005). Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2006: p. 89-101.

"Ecrire des nouvelles." Round table with short story writers Annie Saumont, Pascale Huglo and Georges Olivier Châteaureynaud, in previous work: 229-245.


Invitation, De Carle Distinguished Lectureship, University of Otago, Nouvelle Zélande  

"La couleur des mots: les inventions québécoises". Invited presentation au Festival des Mots, La Charité-sur-Loire, France, 18 juin 2006.

"The First Encyclopedic Work on Erotic literature." Guest speaker, Université de Cluj and Union des Ecrivains roumains, Cluj, Romania, June 22.

"Souffrance et Littérature." Invited paper read at CIEF (Conseil International d'Etudes francophones), Sinaïa, Romania, June 28.

Sasu, Voichita-Maria. "Gaëtan Brulotte et l'absurde." A critical study on my works in Lectures québécoises. Cluj (Romania): Editura Limes, 2005, 62-67.

"La contravention." Selected short story for a general exam in French by the Minister of Education of Alberta (Canada).


"Jean Paul Lemieux et les espaces de la solitude." Featured lecture, Les Impatients, Montreal (Canada), May 14.

"La Nouvelle québécoise contemporaine". Guest speaker, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, May 2.

Co-director, PhD. dissertation of Latifa Bounou: "Pour une analyse du désir mimétique dans L'Enfant chargé de songes d'Anne Hébert." University of Louisiana at Lafayette, May 2.

"Laughing at Power." Leading chapter in John Parkin & John Phillips eds. Laugher and Power. Bern, Switz.: Peter Lang, "European Connections 19", 2006: 11-18.

"El Complejo de Putifar." Short story in anthology Lévesque, Gaëtan, dir. Antologia de cuentos quebequenses en el fin de siglo (1987-2000). Spanish translation by Julieta Fombona & Amelia Hernandez of “Le Complexe de Putiphar”. Caracas (Venezuela): Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana, 2006: 39-51.

"Lettre d'amour." Invited text in Lorraine Pallardy, ed. Mille Mots d'amour. Art book. Montreal, Les Impatients, 2006. With proeminent Quebec witers such as Marie-Claire Blais, Michel Tremblay, Francine d'Amour, Gilles Marcotte, Jacques Godbout.

Guest editor of Listes, special issue  of XYZ 85 (Spring, Montréal).