Double Exposure

Novel, translated from the French by David Lobdell (Ottawa, Oberon Press, 1988)

Double ExposureA novelist inquires on a strange individual that he spotted on the street watching the traffic all day long, or so it seems. Soon he discovers that he is facing, in fact, an exhibitionist who has a long record of exposures in his past. One day he is incarcerated and castrated. Among the numerous questions the novel raises is the place of mild madness within the life of the modern city.

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Reviews' excerpts

"A fascinating novel [...] One of the BEST writers of his generation." Louis-Guy Lemieux, Le Soleil, May 1979

"A sensational success" Jean Prasteau, Paris, Le Figaro, May 1979

"Here is a novelist who knows how to write well and how to build a story." Paul-André Bourque, Book Club, CBC Radio

"A first novel that reveals us more than just a new talent: it is in itself an achievement." Pierre L’Hérault, Livres et auteurs québécois 1979, 35-36

"Figuring among the BEST of the Quebec literary production." Gilles Pellerin, Montreal, Lettres québécoises, Fall 1985

"... A fascinating novel, the outcome of a very talented novelist. The author kicks off by establishing himself as one of the best writers of his generation." Louis-Guy Lemieux, Quebec City, Le Soleil, May 12, 1979

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